Experiencias de Viajeros por Peninsula Valdes. Travellers In Peninsula Valdes

En este blog encontrarás fotos, experiencias y relatos de viajeros, por Peninsula Valdes.Patagonia Argentina.
In this blog you'll find photos and experiences of travellers in Peninsula Valdes. Patagonia Argentina.

james mauren

james mauren
Gracias por visitar Peninsula Valdes

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2008

Martina Bartoňová Czech republic in Peninsula

Hola Gaston :-)Do you remember us ? I know you have a lot of turists who you are doing guide for. But maybe you didnt forget....We send you a lot of greetings from Czech republic. I have for you the photo with us when we were in Puerto Piramides... it was one and half month ago. We have been at home yet. Where we traveled? We were in Patagonia, we told you we would like to go there.So we were in Torres del Paine. It was really beautiful country and beautiful mountins. Here we spent about..I think 6 days. We had nice sunny weather, but only one day we had to go in huge wind and rain the whole day. It was hard but we have good clothes so at the end we were only tired but our things were dry.:-) It was good and we enjoyed under the tent. Next day was the sunny again. In Torres we went the "W" trip. The "W" is trip around the mountains and we could see much nice views of . It was really great. I recommend you :-)We were in Los Glacieres too in Patagonia in Argentina. We saw the Perito Moreno and we climbed under the Fitz Roy. There are beautiful sceneries too.After those tracks we were in Bolivia at the Salar de Uyui. I sending you the photos too , because I think, you have to see it. We would like to go to Rurumbaque to pampas or to jungle,but this time was too rains so on the airport they cancled every fligts to Ruru. It was pity I´v never seen or been in jungle. Maybe next time at the other place....So we continued to Peru. Machu Pichu is absolutly the most expensive monument what we have visited . Neither in Egypt is so expensive. .-) But there was nice too. We tryed aqua calientes after the climbing Machu Pichu. Dont I forget..the train to Machu Pichu to small village Aqua Calientes is too expensive. I know thatś way the turists go there, but its ordinary train...... In our country are many ,maybe thousands trains, we go daily by train, but the price to Machu Pichu is very high for us. But there wasnt any way to get there. That was bad...we had to take the train. :-( In Peru we climbed at EL Misti - 5 822m, it was hard for us. The above sea level (I dont know how i shlould say it ) took us much power. Do you understand me????? Our country is about 300 m,its the same as your.... In Bolivia I had bad day one day. I have some sickness from the high places. We call this sicknes the high sickness. After 3 days i was good again. So we climbed on the top this vulcan, it was the hard things for me. We come back home one week ago and we have to go to work :-(Now we have only photos and very nice memories. At Puerto Piramides there was very nice too thats way i write you. I looked at photos with penguins and seals.....quanacos....and i can only dreams about the hot weather and great treavelling. No I seat at my house , outside there is not good weather. Today is about 5degrease.its cold....someplace is snowy....I enjoy when the summer will come.....I dont like the winter in the city. ONly in mountins when i can go skii but in the city is bad winter.So, I send you some photos from our trip. I havent yet seen every photos,so i send you the first photos what we have.Let me know about you, take care and your family.Bye Martina.

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008

Peninsula Valdes con Javier y Teresa (de Valencia)

El jueves al atardecer arribaron a Trelew Javier y Teresa, para comenzar su estadía en Puerto Pirámides, Peninsula Valdes.
El viernes por la mañana fueron a la Estancia San Lorenzo, una de las mejores colonias de pinguinos de la zona. Tambien visitaron Punta Norte, en donde tuvieron la suerte de ver "Orcas" (killer Whales), así que disfrutaron de ver como Mel atacaba 4 veces a los lobos marinos apostados en la playa, si haciendo varamientos intencionales!!!!
Luego siguieron rumbo a Caleta Valdes y Punta Cantor, donde recorrieron los senderos y disfrutaron de los elefantes. Mas tarde continuaron hacia Punta Delgada y lugo de regreso al hotel. En el recorrido vieron Guanacos, maras, nandues, lechuzas, jotes, martinetas, armadillos y unos cielos y paisajes muy bonitos. Al otro día, recorrieron Punta Piramides, Isla de los pajaros, Madryn y luego volaron rumbo a Ushuaia.

Gracias javier y Teresa por haber visitado Peninsula Valdes!!

Temporada de Orcas

Estimados viajeros,
En marzo y abril en Peninsula Valdes tenemos la suerte de poder realizar avistajes de Orcas en Punta Norte y Caleta Valdes. Obviamente esto no ocurre todas las veces que unos visita estos lugares, pero según cuentan los especialistas en uno de cada tres dias (en promedio) se pueden ver Orcas. Además en los traslados dentro de la peninsula es frecuente ver animales como el guanaco, el nandu, la mara, martinetas, armadillos,etc.
Tambien vale destacar que es temporada de reproducción del lobo marino de un pelo y del pinguino de magallanes. A su vez en las costas de Caleta Valdes y Punta Delgada se pueden apreciar algunos indiciduos de Elefantes Marinos del Sur, que si bien no es su epoca reproductiva, visitan la zona para cambiar la piel.
Desde ya los invitamos a visitar la Península. Visiten la web oficial de Puerto Piramides o consulten en las agencias de viajes de Puerto Madryn.
A su disposición.
Gaston Martin.
Tec. en Turismo.
Guia de Fauna Marina OPT.

martes, 4 de marzo de 2008

Peninsula Valdes por Giuliano Giu

"Für Individualreisende, welche nicht im Massentourismus der Peninsula Valdez ertrinken wollen. Von Puerto Madryn schlage ich Euch vor, nach Puerto Pyramides zu fahren und dort richtig auszuspannen. Reserviert das Hotel oder das Hostal vor, da es nicht so viele Schlafgelegenheiten hat. Mit Gaston, auch "Gato" genannt" (ein Führer, der in Puerto Pyramides sofort zu finden ist.. oder gatopatagonia@gmail.com, könnt Ihr individuelle Ausflüge in 2 - 4er Gruppen machen.. die Sache kommt nicht teurer, als wenn Ihr in einer Riesentruppe eine Tour bucht.. Früh aufstehen, etwas mehr Pesos ausgeben wollen für einen Spezialausflug in den Nationalpark Lorenzo im Norden von Puerto Pyramides und Ihr werdet Euch in einer Horde Pinguine wiederfinden.. mittendrin und nicht nur Sicht aus der Ferne. Gato nimmt sich den ganzen Tag Zeit, um mit Euch die Insel zu bereisen und Ihr könnt beliebig lange an einem Ort verweilen. Diese Reise lohnt sich!!! Viel Spass mit Gato und den Tieren in der Peninsula Valdez!! Grüsse aus der Schweiz. Giuliano (1.3.08)"

Foto de Elisa Tendero

Foto de Elisa Tendero
Gracias enviar tu foto !!